• About us •
By the founder of LIBERTAS centre Prof. Petros J. Pararas
As the director of the International Centre on Human Rights – LIBERTAS -, a non-profit organization, I would like to inform you about our scientific activity.
Some years ago, an unofficial group has been formed in Europe involving Academicians, Professors, Judges and Lawyers (mainly from France, Belgium, and Greece) who are engaged theoretically as well as practically with Human Rights.
The “atypical group” in which I participate actively for years by representing our Country, Greece, decided that it would be meaningful to organize each year an International Conference on Human Rights. In that way, we could examine the protection level of each individual Human Right internationally and more specifically: a) evaluate the international and regional legal texts such as: Conventions of the United Nations’ and the Council’s of Europe activities, b) present the protection level of each Human Right in each country individually (national legislation and jurisprudence), so that the successful law regulations can be transferred to other countries as well and c) underline the advisable activities and aims for the future.
Finally, my proposal for the annual organization of that conference in Greece has been accepted. Moreover, the reputable “Institut International des droits de l ̒Homme – René Cassin” has accepted to support our conference with a delegate.
Thus, the scientific journal “Revue Hellénique des Droits de l’Homme”, the Belgian “Revue trimestrielle des Droits de l’Homme” and the “International Institute René Cassin” are in charge of the organization of the Colloquium.
Nine Colloquiums have already taken place in Athens with great success. Their topics are the following: “The Right to a Healthy Environment”, “Democratic Society and Human Rights”, “Cultural Diversity and Human Rights”, “Conflicts of Human Rights”, “Religions and Human Rights”, “Immigration in Europe and Human rights”, “International Association of Constitutional Law. Group of Social Rights”, “Bioethics”, “Dialogue of judges”. The 10th Colloquium is expected to take place in 2019.
[peekaboo_link]BIOGRAPHY NOTE[/peekaboo_link]
1938: Date of birth, Piraeus.
Secondary studies: Experimental school of the University of Athens.
1956: High school diploma
1956-1961: Academic studies in the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens.
1964-1965: Assistant in the Faculty of Law of Athens (next to Prof. Ph. Vegleris).
In 1964: Scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation for my post-graduate studies in the Faculty of Law in Paris (public law).
1967: “D.E.S.” – Diploma of Superior Studies.
1968: Admission as an Auditor in the Council of State through an entrance examination.
1974: Promotion as “Maître des requêtes” and in 1985 Councilor of State.
1982-1983: Stay in Munich where I wrote the “Hellenic Parliament Law” (Corpus, Vol. II, 1985).
1998-2005: Professor of Constitutional Law in the Democritus University of Thrace
2004: Vice-president of the Council of State.
2005: End of career due to age limit.
Married to Nadia, two sons, John and Alexis, lawyers by the Council of State.
Scientific activities
Since 1976, founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation M. Stassinopoulos. Participation with lectures and interventions organized each winter by the Foundation.
1979: Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Institute of Administrative Sciences (Pres. Ph. Vegleris).
1981: Thesis defense in the faculty of Law in Athens on “Legislative acts of the President of the Republic. Interpretation of the article 44§1 of the Hellenic Constitution”.
1982: Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Greek Constitutionalists.
1975-1999: Member of the scientific committee of the legal magazine “The Constitution”, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas.
1992-2001: President of the Association of Greek Jurists for the protection of financial interests in the Community.
Since 1999, Director of the “Hellenic Journal of Human Rights”, ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas.
Since 2005, Président of the Central Commission of Legislation.
2005-Foundation of LIBERTAS, International Centre on Human Rights.
Since 2005, co-organizer with the precious support of M. Pierre Lambert of an International Conference of Human Rights, which takes place annually in Athens.
Since 2006, coeditor with Pierre Lambert of the “Annuaire International des Droits de l’Homme”, ed. Sakkoulas/Bruylant.
Since 2007, member of the National Committee of Human Rights.
March 2008: Judge ad hoc, assigned by the Greek government, in the European Court of Human Rights.[/peekaboo_content]